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2017年世界無菸日   2017/06/05
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World No Tobacco Day 2017

2017 年世界無菸日

Tobacco – a threat to development


Date: 31 May 2017

日期:2017 5 31 日


Every year, on 31 May, WHO and partners mark World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), highlighting the health and additional risks associated with tobacco use, and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

世界衛組織及相關成員每年的 5 31 日定為無菸日,強調菸害對於健康及健康以外風險的影響,同時宣導有效的菸害防制政 策來減少菸品的消耗。

 The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2017 is "Tobacco – a threat to development."

2017 年世無菸的主題「菸害對於國家續發展的威脅

 About the campaign


‧ It will demonstrate the threats that the tobacco industry poses to the sustainable development of all countries, including the health and economic well-being of their citizens.


‧It will propose measures that governments and the public should take to promote health and development by confronting the global tobacco crisis.



Tobacco control supports health and development


WHO is calling on countries to prioritize and accelerate tobacco control efforts as part of their responses to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

為了響應 2030 年聯合國永續發展目標,世界衛生組織呼籲各國應優先且加速菸害防制工作。

All countries benefit from successfully controlling the tobacco epidemic, above all by protecting their citizens from the harms of tobacco use and reducing its economic toll on national economies. The aim of the Sustainable Development Agenda, and its 17 global goals, is to ensure that "no one is left behind."

所有國家都能從成功的菸害防制得到益處,因為能保護民眾免於菸害,並且減少國家經濟的損失。聯合國訂定的永續發展目標議程及 17 項全 球目就是要確「沒任何一個人會被每個人受到 保障。


Tobacco control has been enshrined in the Sustainable Development Agenda. It is seen as one of the most effective means to help achieve SDG target 3.4 of a one-third reduction globally, by 2030, of premature deaths from non- communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, cancers and chronic obstructed pulmonary disease. Strengthening implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco in all countries is an additional target to be met by governments developing national sustainable development responses.

菸害防制已被納入聯合國永續發展目標議程,被視為是達成永續發展目標 3.4 條最有效的方法, 就是 (Non- Communicable Diseases, NCDs),包括心血管疾病、癌症及慢性阻塞性 肺病(Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease, COPD)所導致的過早死亡 在 2030 年之前要減少三分之一。所有國家加強落實世界衛生組織的菸 草控制框架公約,是各國政府達到永續發展議題的額外目標。


Controlling tobacco helps achieve other global goals


In addition to saving lives and reducing health inequalities, comprehensive tobacco control contains the adverse environmental impact of tobacco growing, manufacturing, trade and consumption.

除了拯救生命及減少健康的不平等之外,全面的菸害防制可減少菸草 種植、菸品製造、貿易及消費等對於環境的負面影響。


Tobacco control can break the cycle of poverty, contribute to ending hunger, promote sustainable agriculture and economic growth, and combat climate change. Increasing taxes on tobacco products can also be used to finance universal health coverage and other development programs of the government.

菸害防制能打破貧窮的惡性循環,終結飢餓,促進農業及經濟的永續成 長,也能對抗氣候暖化。增加菸品稅捐也可用於全民健保或政府的其他 計畫。

It is not only governments who can step up tobacco control efforts: people can contribute on an individual level to making a sustainable, tobacco-free world. People can commit to never take up tobacco products. Those who do use tobacco can quit the habit, or seek help in doing so, which will in turn protect their health as well as people exposed to second-hand smoke, including children, other family members and friends. Money not spent on tobacco can be, in turn, used for other essential uses, including the purchase of healthy food, healthcare and education.

不是只有政府能夠推動菸害防制工作,每個人也可以從自己的角度來達成永續且無菸的世界。人們可以承諾永不吸菸,吸菸的人可以戒菸或 是尋求戒菸協助,這樣做能保護自己的健康,也能減少他人二手菸的危 害,包括兒童、家人及朋友。省下買菸的錢可以用於其他生活必需用途, 包括購買健康食品、醫療、及教育等。


Facts about tobacco, tobacco control and the development goals



‧About 6 million people die from tobacco use every year, a figure that is predicted to grow to more than 8 million a year by 2030 without intensified action. Tobacco use is a threat to any person, regardless of gender, age, race, cultural or educational background. It brings suffering, disease, and death, impoverishing families and national economies.

全球每年有  600 萬人死於菸害,若未採取更積極的菸害防制行動, 2030 年這個數字將會超過 800 萬人,吸菸對所有人都會造成危害, 不論年齡、性別、種族、文化或教育背景。吸菸會造成痛苦、疾病與 死亡,使家庭陷入貧窮、使國家的經濟受到危害。


‧ Tobacco use costs national economies enormously through increased health-care costs and decreased productivity. It worsens health inequalities and exacerbates poverty, as the poorest people spend less on essentials such as food, education and health care. Some 80% of premature deaths from tobacco occur in low- or middle-income countries, which face increased challenges to achieving their development goals.

吸菸會造成國家經濟龐大的負擔,包含增加醫療保健費用支出,及減少國家生產力。吸菸還會擴大貧富差距,惡化貧窮,這是由於貧困的 人會因為買菸,使原本得以花費在食物、教育及所需醫療支出的預算 減少。吸菸所造成的過早死亡,80%發生在中低收入的國家,這些國 家要達到永續發展目標需要面對更多的困難及挑戰。



Tobacco growing requires large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers, which can be toxic and pollute water supplies. Each year, tobacco growinguses 4.3 million hectares of land, resulting in global deforestation between 2% and 4%. Tobacco manufacturing also produces over 2 million tonnes of solid waste.



每年種植菸草面積達 430 萬公頃,造成全球森林面積減少 2 4%製造菸品還會產生 200 萬噸的固態廢棄物。

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) guides the global fight against the tobacco epidemic. The WHO FCTC is an international treaty with 180 Parties (179 countries and the European Union). Today, more than half the world’s countries, representing nearly 40% of the world’s population (2.8 billion people), have implemented at least one of the WHO FCTC’s most cost-effective measures to the highest level. An increasing number of countries are creating firewalls to ward off interference from the tobacco industry in government tobacco control policy.

世界衛生組織菸草控控制框架公約是全球推動菸害防制的指引,目前共有 180 個締方參(包括 179 個國家前全球一 半以上全球人口的 40%28 億人經以高標施草控控制框架公約中至少一項最有效的菸害防制措施,也有愈來愈 多的國家建立各種防火牆,防止菸商對於政府菸害防制政策的干預。


‧Through increasing cigarette taxes worldwide by US$1, an extra US$190 billion could be raised for development. High tobacco taxes contribute to revenue generation for governments, reduce demand for tobacco, and offer an important revenue stream to finance development activities.

若將菸稅增加 1 美金,全球可募得 1,900 億美金用於永續發展,提高菸稅能增加政府稅收,減少吸菸,並為政府推動發展計畫提供重要的 永續經費來源。


Goals of the World No Tobacco Day 2017 campaign 2017 年世界無菸日的目標


World No Tobacco Day 2017 aims to: 2017 年世界無菸日



‧Highlight the links between the use of tobacco products, tobacco control and sustainable development.





‧Encourage countries to include tobacco control in their national responses to 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.






鼓勵各國將菸害防制納入國家行動綱領並呼應「2030 年永續發展目標


‧ Support Member States and civil society to combat tobacco industry interference in political processes, in turn leading to stronger national tobacco control action.



‧Encourage broader public and partner participation in national, regional and global efforts to develop and implement development strategies and plans and achieve goals that prioritize action on tobacco control.


害防制,以制定和實施發展菸害防制戰略和計劃,並以實施菸害防制 為首要目標。


‧ Demonstrate how individuals can contribute to making a sustainable, tobacco-free world, either by committing to never taking up tobacco products, or by quitting the habit.





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